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学校致慈善基金会的感谢信 作者:XXX 发布时间:2009-11-6 22:39 发布人:XXX


浙江省XX基金会: 时值初冬,回味盛夏,别有一番留恋。今年的夏天,更是我们XX县XX镇九年义务教育学校难以忘怀的特别季节。大地震后,酷热的夏季里,是XX慈善基金会给我校带来了一份深情,一丝凉意,一种革命性的英语教学模式——XX英语夏令营。现在回味起来,我们倍感温馨,暖意融融。我校全体师生向XX基金会的各位领导和全体员工致以真诚的感谢和崇高的敬意! 我们很欣慰, 金远在首都浙江省,却能以大爱的目光关注革命老区、边远贫困山区的教育。我们很幸运,能够成为2008年XX英语夏令营项目实施点。我们能够体会到XX慈善基金会的各位慈善家的爱心、仁心和善心。我们山区教育工作者感受到了外部力量对我们的支持、资助和希望。我们的老师在这次活动中也得到了一次心灵的洗礼和升华。 我们时时记起,XX项目官员和志愿者老师风尘仆仆、满脸疲惫地在那炎热的日子里来到了我们的学校,孩子们用 疑惑的眼光打量着他们;两天后老师们便和孩子们成了亲密的朋友,课堂上充满了生机和活力;汇报演出上每一个孩子都能在舞台上自如地展示自己的风采;离别时师生们难舍难分、失声痛哭的`场景…… 我们还在谈论志愿者们,他们每天用10个小时和孩子们一起学习,孩子们越学兴致越高;他们在余震发生时没有一个人首先冲出教室,等孩子们全部疏散完毕,他们才离开;7月25日正午狂风袭来的时候,昏天黑地,窗户轰鸣,大树折断,他们镇定地安抚着一个个吓得大哭的学生;他们用智慧传播知识,用爱心传播爱心;他们让孩子们觉得学英语是非常简单的事情,开启了孩子们的心灵……他们用行动在传播XX慈善基金会的宗旨。 我们在反思,我们的英语师资的匮乏,我们的英语教师的素质差距。 我们在行动,改变我们的学校,改变我们的老师,改变我们自己。我们的学校教育正在发生深刻的变化。 遥望浙江省,心中充满对XX慈善基金会的感激,回眸XX,我们奋蹄追赶现代教育的大潮。

XX镇九义校诚望XX基金会的甘霖明年的暑假还能惠洒我们的校园——慈心不断,善缘永结。 敬请基金会领导来国家自然风景名胜区——美丽的xx山作客。 再次对XX基金会致以深深的谢意! 此致 崇高的敬礼!


A Letter To My Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I love you!I love you so much!I love you with all my heart!This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you so much for bringing me up!Thank you so much for raising w how hard you've worked during the past years.I can imagine how many difficults and obstacles you've conquered.I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better.I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You've been very patient with 've encouraged me and you've helped 've tried your hardest to give me the best things in 've made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices.I also know that you have great expectations of want me to be very successful and happy want me to be the best person I can be want me to do great things with my life want me to make the world a better place .I know you have so many hopes and drems for my future.

Today I want to tell something extremely important.

Today I want to tell you don't need to worry about me any more.I'm grown up !Iwill be responsible for my life and for my future .I will study very hard l exercise every day to keep fit . Iwill read English every morning and every l make the best use of every space minute.I will be happy,confident,positive,and energetic every day!I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself l never do anything that would harm my body or my mind .I will learn as much as I can and become smarter and stronger every day .I have learned by watching you that the best way to reach my goals is to work hard and never give give up 'my best role set a great example for me .

I have so mang great dreams.I know that realizing all these dreamstakes a lot oftime and don't worry about me e strong confidence in myself.I know if I keep trying ,keep working hard,and keep dreaming,Iwill definitely realize all my dreams.I wiil be somebody I will not only care about myself.I will contribute to my school,my hometown,and my l contribute to society .I will use all my abilities and talents to help my family and my country have a glorious future.I will make a difference in this world.

Dear Mom and Dad,you will be proud of me! You will see great results from all your hard work and k you very much for your continued support!Thank you very much for your patience,love and understanding.I love you !I appreciate you !I am very proud of you !

Exercise every day to keep healthy!Enjoy life every day and stay happy !My only hope for you is for you both to enjoy continued healthy and brought me into this world to share your life.I will do my best to make sure each day of it filed with joy and ang Dad,you are the best parents in the world!I don't know what I would have done without you.

All My Everlasting Love,

Your Son/Daughter

标签: 感谢
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