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12月英语四级选词填空练习及答案 1

Theres no question that the Earth is getting hotter. The real questions are: How much of the warming is our fault, and are we 1__________ to slow the devastation by controlling our insatiable 2__________ for fossil fuels?

Global warming can seem too 3__________ to worry about, or too uncertain-something projected by the same computer 4__________ that often cant get next weeks weather right. On a raw winter day you might think that a few degrees of warming wouldnt be such a bad thing anyway. And no doubt about it: Warnings about 5__________ change can sound like an environmentalist scare tactic, meant to force us out of our cars and restrict our lifestyles.

Comforting thoughts, perhaps. Unfortunately, however, the Earth has some discomforting news. From Alaska to the snowy peaks of the Andes the world is heating up right now, and fast. Globally, the 6__________ is up 1°F over the past century, but some of the coldest, most remote spots have warmed much more. The results arent pretty. Ice is 7__________ , rivers are running dry, and coasts are 8__________ , threatening communities.

The 9__________ are happening largely out of sight. But they shouldnt be out of mind, because they are omens of whats in store for the 10__________ of the planet.

















1.【解析】[E]此处应填入E项,be willing to 为固定搭配。



4.【解析】[B]此处应填入一个名词,而与computer 搭配的名词在选项中根据上下文意思B为正确选项。



7.【解析】[I]显然ice 与melt 搭配,因此I为正确选项。



10.【解析】[D]选D项,the rest of 为固定搭配

12月英语四级选词填空练习及答案 2

Dalton wondered why the heavier and lighter gases in the atmosphere did not separate as oil and water finally concluded that the constituent 1 must exist in the form of 2 particles or atoms and that these 3 be completely mixed together in the 4 threw a new light in 5 laws of definite was 6 necessary to suppose that the atoms 7 combinesintossmall groups of uniform 8 and so form more complex substance; 9 the mystery of this law was 10 on suggested, for example, that carbon monoxide 11 formed bythe one with one 12 of atoms of carbon and oxygen, 13 carbon dioxide results from a single 14 of carbon uniting with two atoms 15 ming this to be true, 16 the definite proportions of Prouts law (17 all chemical compounds the different constituents 18 enter in unvarying proportions) would naturally 19 the relative weights of the many 20 kinds of atoms.

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【解析】根据上文中的heavier and lighter gases可以确定,本空中应填入“组成的气体”,即constituent gases。






【解析】sky意为“天空”,atmosphere意为“大气”, oxygen意为“氧气”, environment意为“环境”,只有B项正确。




【解析】only necessary的意思是“仅仅是必要”。故A正确。


【解析】根据句子意思判断, could是“能够”的意思。




【解析】but,nevertheless表示转折意为“但是”,“然而”;thus意为“因此”,如There has been no , the crops are likely to suffer.一直没有下雨,因此庄稼可能会受害。这里与上文有因果关系,故应选C。


【解析】solve相当于find a solution or an answer to,意为“解决”、“解开”,如: solve a problem (a puzzle, a mystery);discover相当于find something existing but not known before,意为“发现”,如: discover a place (a fact, the truth)。因此应选A。






【解析】while表示对比。如:Some substances are soluble, while others are not.一些物质是可溶的,而另一些物质是不可溶的。


【解析】根据句子意思判断, atom正确。




【解析】then的意思是next, after that。






【解析】describe意为“描述”;unite意为“结合,合并”;mix意为“(不同的东西)混合在一起”,如:mix flour and water;reveal意为“揭露,揭示”。



12月英语四级选词填空练习及答案 3

Grandma Moses is among the most celebreted twentieth-century painters of the United States,yet she __1_ painting before she was in her late she once spoken __2_ herself:" I would never sit back in a rocking chair,__3_ for some to help me."No one could have a __4_ old age.

She was born Anna Mary Robertson _5__ a farm in New York State,one of five boys and girls.("We came in bunches,_6__ radishes.") At twelve she left home and was __7_ domestic service until ,at twnety-seven,she _8__ Thomas Moses,one of the hired hands of her farms most of their _9__,first in Virginia and then in New York State,_10__ Eagle had ten children,of _11__ five survived; her husband died in 1927.

Grandma Moses _12__ a little as a child and made embroidery pictures as a _13__, but only switched to oil in old age because her hands become too stiff __14_, and she wanted to keep busy and pass the _15__ were first sold at the local drugstore and at a fair, and were soon _16__ by a dealer who bought everything _17__ she e of the pictures were exhibition in the museum of Modern Art,and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York .__18_ the 1930s and her death she produced some 2000 pictures;detailed and lively portrayals of the _19__ life she had known for so long ,with a marvellous _20__ of color and form." I think real hard till think of something real pretty,and then I pain it."she said.

1) A barely startedt B was barely strated

C had barely started D barely start

2) A about B of C on D over

3) A waiting B to waiting C and writing D am writing

4) A very productive B productive

C most productive D more productive

5) A in B at C on D about

6) A unlike B like C likely D unlikely

7) A for B in C at D under

8) A married with B married to C marry D married

9) A life B live C lives D lifes

10) A in B at C under D on

11) A whom B which C that D who

12) A worked B read C studied D painted

13) A job B fun C hobby D interest

14) A sewing B to sew C to sewing D to be sewing

15) A books B pictures C arts D clothes

16) A spotted B recognized C damaged D featured

17) A which B who C whom D that

18) A for B in C during D between

19) A urban B town C rural D suburban

20) A feeling B sense C consciousness D feature


1--5 CBADC

6--10 BBDCB

11--15 ADCBB

16--20 ADDCB

12月英语四级选词填空练习及答案 4

Questions 36-45 are based on the following passage.

Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular, when older patients ____36____ of pain, they were told it was a natural part of aging and they would have to learn to, live with it.

Times have changed. Today, we take pain ____37____. Indeed, pain is now considered the fifth vital, as important as blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and pulse in ____38____a person’s well-being. We know that chronic(慢性的) pain can disrupt (扰乱的) a person’s life, causing problems that ____39 ____ from missed work todepression.

That’s why a growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who ____40____ in pain medicine. Not onlydo we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat the pain better, but we also help providecomprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social ____41____ related to chronic pain. Suchcomprehensive therapy often ____42 ____ the work of social workers, psychiatrists (心理医生) and psychologists, aswell as specialists in pain medicine.

This modem ____43____ for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative treatments which are more effectiveand with fewer side effects than ever before. Decades ago, there were only a ____44 ____number of drugs available, andmany of them caused ____45 ____ side effects in older people, including dizziness and fatigue. This created a double-edged sword: the medications helped relieve the pain but caused other problems that could be worse than the painitself.


















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